What is “Language Access”?

Federal and State law prohibits discrimination on the basis of national origin, which includes inability to speak, read, write or understand English. The New Mexico state courts are committed to providing meaningful access to court services for Limited English Proficient (LEP), deaf, and hard-of-hearing individuals.

For more information about language access rights and responsibilities, visit the United States Department of Justice website.

Interpreter Services

Interpreters are provided free of charge in any language, spoken or signed.

Counsel or self-represented litigants must notify the Court if a spoken or sign language interpreter will be needed at least ten (10) business days before any hearing so appropriate accommodations may be made.

We’ve created a virtual assistant to help you quickly find what you need! Her name is Clara. Click to begin.

What: Clara can help people without a lawyer to find resources. She will ask you questions and then take you to the page you need. You can even respond to Clara with voice commands of your own!
How: Make sure your computer’s audio and your browser’s microphone are on. Clara will offer you options. Click on the one you want, or say it aloud. (Speaking to Clara is only available in Google Chrome).

Click here to read the 2022 Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report (Language Access & ADA Services)

NM ranked #1 in the nation for language access!
Click here for the news release